total working population的意思

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total working population的网络释义

劳动人口总数 total consumption of the population : 居民总消费,人口总消费 total working population : 劳动人口总数,在业人口总数 total economically active population : 经济活动总人口 ..

total working population的例句

This is equivalent to one in 14 of a total working population.


The number of urban working women increased from 600,000 in 1949 to 56 million, while their share of the country's total working population went up from 7.5 percent to 38 percent.


New technological developments had little effect on farmers. (B) the percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined.


But if Brazil is to grow beyond 2020, when the working-age population will begin to decline as a share of the total, it will have to tackle its productivity problem.


Half of the working population in South Lebanon relies wholly on agriculture for a living, with the sector providing nearly 70 percent of total household incomes.


The total population of industrial robots working in the world today is close to a million.
