tumor immune surveillance的意思

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tumor immune surveillance的网络释义

肿瘤免疫监视 定义 中文名称: 肿瘤免疫监视 英文名称: tumor immune surveillance 定义: 免疫系统及时识别和清除新出现突变细胞的一种功能,可防止肿瘤发生。 应用学科: 免疫学(一级学科);免疫病理、临床免疫(二级学科); 肿瘤免疫(二

tumor immune surveillance的例句

The decreased infiltration and functional deficiency of DCs may also contribute to tumor cells evading from surveillance of immune system.


Some tumor cells (e. g., t lymphoma EL4 cells) express CD47 and block phagocytosis of phagocytes in order to escape from the surveillance of immune system.

一些肿瘤细胞譬如T细胞淋巴瘤el 4细胞等也表达CD 47分子,抑制机体吞噬细胞功能逃逸免疫系统的免疫监视。