up and up的意思

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up and up的网络释义

诚实 诚实(up and up), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

楼梯侠 ...楼梯侠(Up And Up)是由Future ltd开发的一款像素风格的休闲类游戏,楼梯侠破解版已为我们解锁了所有角色和宠物,并且还去除了广告,令你可以更好的...

越来越好 越来越好(up and up), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

力争向上 力争向上(Up And Up) v1.1,飞行射击...

up and up的短语

1、 on the up and up 光明正大 ; 诚实的 ; 开诚布公

2、 on the up-and-up 诚实 ; 走上坡路 ; 光明磊落的 ; 翻译

3、 up-and-up 向上 ; 光明磊落的行为 ; 不断进步的

up and up的例句

Even more surprising, he said, when game A and B are played randomly, with no order in the alternating sequence, winnings also go up and up.


You can take his word for it. He has always been on the up and up.

你可以相信他的话, 他一向老实可靠。

It's not a good habit to stay up late and get up late, which is not beneficial to our health.


The children saw kite up and up.


He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.


It flew into the air up and up and then came to rest on the counter.
