variability law的意思

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variability law的短语

1、 spatial variability law 空间变异规律

2、 law of individual variability 个体变异定律

3、 law variability 变异定律

4、 law of variability 变异定律

5、 law individual variability 释义个体变异定律

6、 law of equable variability 等变异性定律

7、 the law of quality variability 质量变化规律

variability law的例句

For painting, the simplicity means variability and development, which has the universal law of aesthetics and style elements. Mr.


The geostatistics is used in soil science to explore its sp at ial distribution characteristics and its variability law, it has been advocated by more and more experts.


During the evolution of styles, especially the usage from single to pluralism, it followed historical continuity and development, stability and variability, which are objective law.
