viewpoint of practice的意思

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viewpoint of practice的网络释义

实践观 马克思对黑格尔劳动观念的分析批判_文章爱好者原创文学 关键词] 劳动;劳动观念;异化劳动;实践观 [gap=461]Key words: labor; attitude about labor; work dissimilation; viewpoint of practice

viewpoint of practice的短语

1、 the viewpoint of practice 实践观

2、 scientific marxist viewpoint of practice 科学实践观

viewpoint of practice的例句

From viewpoint of value, this article analyzes the rationality of AD hoc arbitration confirmed by the advantage of AD hoc arbitration in practice.


From the viewpoint of English teaching practice, this paper mainly discusses the application of the Study Theory of Constructivism in the Basic English instruction.


This Viewpoint offers a guide to the latest clinical and research findings of value to advanced practice nurses and other clinicians.


To explore the heart culture of China and its mental health function energetically will help to promote the practice, viewpoint and method about mental health in the heart culture of China.


The main contents of Althusser's epistemology include Symptomatic, Problematic, Epistemological rupture, Theory practice as well as the viewpoint that Marxism is unempirical.


With the experience from long-term practice in the front line of TV news gathering and editing, the writer explains the viewpoint logically and clearly, referring to some typical news cases.
