virtual human function的意思

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virtual human function的网络释义

虚拟人体功能 2.虚拟人体功能(virtual human function)人体某一个器官或系统的功能一般是不 可见或难以表现的,因为它所表现的往往是生命现象的机理,例如心脏的跳动、人的 步态、手部...

virtual human function的例句

The perceptive function is the foundation of virtual human behavior modeling in the research of the intelligent virtual human autonomous behavior model.


The application of information technique urges people to consider how to use the network to implement the service function of human resources and make the virtual human resource management possible.


A cognitive modeling approach is used to design a football sport simulation system of virtual human, which can achieve high-level behavioral scheming function with cognitive ability.


As the work draft of human genome has been plotted and the function of gene has been deeply researched, the study has gone to a virtual stage to apply and develop it.


Virtual human aims to the simulation structure and function of human body with computer.
