virtual learning environment的意思

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virtual learning environment的网络释义

虚拟学习环境 虚拟学习环境(Virtual Learning Environment,VLE)是一种集成的网络环境,它不但能为 教学双方提供同步的、实时的交流手段,同时还能提供异步的、长期的学习...

虚拟学习环境软件 PPT/Microsoft Powerpoint - 虚拟学习环境软件(Virtual Learning Environment)开源开发模式Sakai社区基于Sakai的..

virtual learning environment的短语

1、 Integrated Virtual Learning Environment 集成虚拟学习环境

2、 Distributed Virtual learning Environment 分布式虚拟学习环境

3、 D virtual learning environment 三维虚拟学习环境

virtual learning environment的例句

The client environment is modeled after the Web browser concept, with many familiar controls to help offset the learning curve of the virtual world experience.

客户机环境按照 Web 浏览器概念建模,许多控制方式是大家熟悉的,这有助于用户快速地掌握虚拟世界。

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the application of virtual realistic learning environment on medical education and establish a teaching model accordingly.


While we know that face-to-face learning is currently the most successful teaching method, if you had to choose an online learning environment, would you consider a virtual world?


How to use modern network communicating technologies to build an effective virtual learning environment, becomes a new task in the face of people.


MIMIC Virtual Lab BSCI creates a real world lab environment with a network of Cisco Routers and Switches. It gives hands-on learning experience without buying expensive equipment.

MIMIC Virtual Lab(思科虚拟实验室)能够产生带有思科路由器和交换机的真实地网络实验环境,它提供了以实践为主导的学习体验而无需购买昂贵的设备。

The educational Role-playing games guide learners to a virtual learning environment, complete one by one virtual task, learn the knowledge and skills that implicated in the mission.
