virtual value的意思

美 / / 英 / /

n. [数] 有效值;虚拟价值

virtual value的短语

1、 virtual value chain 虚拟价值链,价值链,虚拟价值炼

2、 Virtual Value Added Chain 虚拟附加价值链

3、 Virtual Value Chain Theory 虚拟价值链理论

4、 Workmans frequency virtual value 工频有效值

5、 virtual value-added service 网络虚拟增值服务

6、 virtual value of vibration velocity 振动速度有效值

7、 Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain 开发虚拟价值链

virtual value的例句

In addition, the significance and model of the application of virtual value chain are discussed.


In order to satisfy the real - time measurement, we studied the fast arithmetic of virtual value of voltage and current, power factor.


Then, the author states some core about the form of virtual value chain, optimization of value chain management.
