warehouse account的意思

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warehouse account的短语

1、 Warehouse-kind account 仓库实物账

warehouse account的例句

Finally, assuming that the bank account status is good, the supplier sends a request to the warehouse to ship the order.


In a subsequent data flow operation, you'll use a join operator to ensure that full XML account records (contained in the INFO column) are fed into the target data warehouse table.


To understand how the XML source data in the INFO column of TPOXADMIN. ACCOUNT is mapped to the various columns of the data warehouse tables, see Table 1 and Table 2.

为了理解 TPOXADMIN.ACCOUNT 的 INFO 列中的 XML 源数据如何被映射到数据仓库表的不同列上, 可查看 表 1 和 表 2。