warehouse receipt的意思

美 / / 英 / /

仓单;栈单;[贸易] 仓库收据

warehouse receipt的短语

1、 forwarder's warehouse receipt 货运代理人仓库收据

2、 negotiable warehouse receipt 可转让仓单,流通栈单,可转让库单,可让渡仓单

3、 warehouse receipt loan 贷款

4、 Warehouse receipt transactions 仓单交易

5、 FIATA Warehouse Receipt 菲亚塔仓库收据

6、 warehouse receipt pledge 仓单质押

7、 Standard warehouse receipt 标准仓单

8、 Feild Warehouse Receipt 存货抵押清单

9、 circulating warehouse receipt 可流通仓单

warehouse receipt的例句

"Warehouse receipt" means a receipt issued by a person engaged in the business of storing goods for hire.


A document used to effect delivery on a futures contract, such as a warehouse receipt or shipping certificate.


Warehouse Receipt Upon the depositor's delivery of the goods, the warehouser shall issue thereto a warehouse receipt.
