waste area的意思

美 / / 英 / /

waste area的短语

1、 liquid waste area sump 废液区集水坑

2、 liquid waste area sump pump 废液区污水泵

3、 Solid Waste Area 固废

4、 Least waste area 最小浪费面积

5、 coalmine waste area 煤矿采空区

6、 water of waste area 老空区积水

7、 livestock waste prohibition area 禽畜废物禁区,禽畜废物禁制区

8、 waste disposal area 弃渣场

waste area的例句

Retail Active, says the South East of England has the highest food waste tally, second is the North West and the area with the least wastage is Scotland.

此外“零售活动”还表示英格兰东南部食物浪费现象最为严重,位居第二的是西北地区。 而苏格兰则是很少浪费食物的地区。

This area deals in domestic waste rather than imports, but Shi said every part of the industry had been affected.

这个地区大多交易国内的废品而不是进口废品, 但是石表示不管在哪里, 整个行业都已经被波及了。

A separate bill by Los Angeles-area Senator Gloria Romero would require high-tech manufacturers to develop programs to recycle so-called e-waste.
