water resources development的意思

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water resources development的网络释义

水资源开发 论对天然河流水资源开发中的水环境问题(孙景亮) - 水利科技资讯 - 水资讯网 关键词:天然河流;水资源开发;水环境 [gap=6071]Keywords: natural rivers; water resources development; water environment

水资源开发利用 ... 水资源开发利用 Development and utilization of water resources ; water resources development 水资源开发法 WRDA 水资源开发中心 WRDC ...

水资源开发利用程度 沼气汽化开发利用 Biomass Gasification Development and Application 水资源开发利用程度 water resources development 尚未开发利用的 as-yet-unexploited ; unexploited ..

水资本开发 ... 水的再操作 Water reuse 水资本开发 Water resources development 水资本掩护 Water resources conservation ...

water resources development的短语

1、 modern water resources development 现代水利

2、 water resources development and utilization 水资源开发利用

3、 water resources development planning 水资源开发利用规划

water resources development的例句

Industry sectors has also led to the artificial division of integrated water resources development, utilization and protection management more difficult.


In the realization of water resources, recycling and efficient use of water resources development and utilization of.


Contradiction between supply and demand of water resources become more acute, as regional water resources development and utilization of the most urgent problems to solve water shortage measures.


According to the distribution of river system, water resources' conditions and characteristics of Henan, the development and utilization situation of water resources is analyzed in this paper.


Against the background of the institution of river basin management levies water resources tax, the paper applies game theory to research the conflict in the basin water resources development.


This paper analyses the water resources development pattern and its environmental influence in Turpan area, and puts forward the ways of sustainable utilization of water resources in the future.
