wave theory的意思

美 / / 英 / /

波动论;[物] 波动说

wave theory的短语

1、 density-wave theory 密度波理论

2、 wave theory of light 光的波动论,光波理论,光的波动理论,光的波动说

3、 traveling wave theory 行波学说,行波理论,行波说

4、 travelling wave theory 行波理论,行波学说

5、 wave-theory 波动理论

6、 lee wave theory 背风波动理论

7、 new-wave theory 新波’理论

8、 spin-wave theory 自旋波理论

9、 Full wave theory 全波理论

wave theory的例句

We have seen that the corpuscular theory explains many of the observed facts. Is the wave theory also able to do this?


Wave theory fails to fit the facts .


Then the polarization effect of incident wave was analyzed with coupled wave theory.
