weather forecast的意思

美 / ˈweðə fɔːkɑːst / 英 / /


weather forecast的短语

1、 weather-forecast 天气预报用英文怎么说,天平预报

2、 the weather forecast 天气预报

3、 fire weather forecast 火险天气预报

4、 Android Weather Forecast 天气预报

5、 medium term weather forecast 中期天气预报,中期天气预告

6、 listen to the weather forecast 听天气预报

7、 long term weather forecast 长期天气预报

8、 Short-range weather forecast 短期天气预报

9、 virtual weather forecast 实景天气预报

weather forecast的例句

The weather forecast says it will be cloudy today.


Sometimes the weather forecast is accurate, sometimes not.


It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast.
