weight number的意思

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weight number的短语

1、 weight-number ratio 重量数量比

2、 optimum weight number 优先权数

3、 weight number distribution 权值分配

4、 combined weight number 组合加权系数

5、 weight number decision 权数确定

6、 Weight Number of Goal 目标权数

7、 weight number is decided 权数确定

8、 interval of weight number 权重区间

9、 transition weight number matrix 转移权系数矩阵

weight number的例句

Using the evaluating step of result transition weight number method, this paper analysed the teaching validity of teachers by dividing the grade of result.


The effect of the evaluation is related to the weight number taken in the evaluation, which depends mainly on the importance of each performance index in the evaluation.


I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of lowering the number on the scale, I altered my training program.
