weight rate的意思

美 / / 英 / weɪt reɪt /


weight rate的短语

1、 weight rate of steam flow 单位时间内蒸汽重量

2、 weight rate of flow 重量流率

3、 body-weight rate 体重率

4、 increasing weight rate 增重率

5、 bark weight rate 树皮干重率

6、 losing weight rate 失重率

7、 reducing weight rate 减量率

8、 based on the weight rate 按重量比

weight rate的例句

Absrtact: Stroke input has a strong advantage relative to the Pinyin input in weight rate.

摘 要: 笔画输入相比拼音输入在重码率方面具有强大的优势。

People who have inherited a low metabolic rate will gain weight.


Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.
