
美 / wel / 英 / wel /

adv. 顺利地,令人满意地;熟练地,技术好地;妥善地,恰当地;赞扬地,赞许地;有益地,有利地;容易地;友善地;有充分理由,合理地;很,非常;富裕地,舒适地;完全地,充分地;大大地,远远地;(程度或标准)多少,怎样

adj. 健康的;令人满意的;明智的,可取的

n. 水井,油井,气井;楼梯井,电梯井道;<英>(法庭中的)律师席;韦尔斯(有矿泉的地方)(Wells);(储液体的)凹槽;(大量)来源,源泉;吧台酒架;廉价酒;(物理)势阱,电位阱

int. (用于表示想要开口说话)嗯,好;唔,嗯,哦(表示对要说的话不确定);好吧,算了(对不愉快的事表示接受);好啦,哎呀(用于劝说或让人不要生气、焦虑等);嗳(表示生气或不赞成);怎么样呢,哎(表示等待回答或行动);好啦(用于结束活动或对话);(停顿后继续交谈)唔,这个;(表示惊奇、愤怒或宽慰)哎呀,哟,啊;噢(用于纠正刚才说过的话)

v. (液体)流出,涌出;(感情)涌上,涌起

【名】 (Well)(英、德、荷)韦尔(人名)

初中 / 高中 / CET4 / CET6 考研

复数 wells 第三人称单数 wells 现在分词 welling 过去式 welled 过去分词 welled 比较级 better 最高级 best


English Word \"Well\" Usage Interpretation

The English word \"well\" is a very versatile word and has many uses. First and foremost it is used as an adverb to indicate the degree of an action. For example, when describing a task, someone may say \"I did well on the test\". This tells the listener that the person did a good job on the task.

In addition to being used in reference to actions, \"well\" can also be used to describe something as good. For example, \"This coffee is well flavored\" means that the coffee has a good flavor. It can also be used to describe someone’s health. For example, \"How are you? I’m well, thank you\" means that the person is doing alright.

Finally, \"well\" can also be used as an exclamation to show agreement or understanding. For example, if someone is talking about a difficult situation, and you want to show that you understand, you might say \"Well...\" before expressing your thoughts. It's a subtle way to let the other person know you understand what they are saying.

To conclude, \"well\" is a very useful word. It can be used to describe the degree of an action, something as good, someone’s health, or to show agreement or understanding. Hopefully this has been a helpful description of how to use this word.


1、 as well 也;同样地;还不如

2、 as well as 也;和…一样;不但…而且

3、 do well 做得好;进展好

4、 well and truly 确实地,准确地

5、 well enough 很好;很健康;还可以;还好

6、 pretty well 相当好;几乎

7、 do well in 在……某方面干得好

8、 well versed in 精通

9、 well then 那么

10、 well off 富裕的;处境好的

11、 just as well 无妨;幸好

12、 and as well 以及;也;又

13、 well over 涌出,溢出

14、 well and good 也好;满意

15、 well up 涌出;流露;萌发

16、 go well with 协调;和…很相配

17、 well out 打得好;溢出

18、 well up in [口]精通

19、 not so well 很不好;不太好

20、 well seen 精通的,通晓的


She looked surprisingly well.


Evans played very well.


Well, well, well. How quickly things change.
