white and raw sugar的意思

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white and raw sugar的网络释义

白糖和粗糖英语 ... 白栎皮英语 【化】 quercus 白糖和粗糖英语 【经】 white and raw sugar 白种人英语 white ...

翻译 ... watertight翻译 *['wɒtәtait] a. 不透水的, 不漏水的, 无懈可击的 【化】 不透水的; 不漏水的 white and raw sugar翻译 【经】 白糖和粗糖 win a victory over翻译 战胜, 击败 ...

white and raw sugar的例句

The nutrition beverage of apple vinegar is made by apple vinegar as the raw materials and adding honey and white sugar as sweetener and complement with natural apple essence.
