willingness to accept的意思

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willingness to accept的网络释义

接受意愿 支付意愿(willingness to pay,WTP)接受意愿( willingness to accept,WTA)消费者剩余(consumers’ surplus):消费者愿意对某物品所支付的价格与他实际付出的价格...

意愿 支付意愿(willingness to pay,WTP)接受意愿( willingness to accept,WTA)消费者剩余(consumers’ surplus):消费者愿意对某物品所支付的价格与他实际付出的价格...

受偿意愿 ...物品或服务改善的最大支付意愿(willingness to pay,WTP),或者忍受环境物品或服务恶化的最小受偿意愿(willingness to accept,WTA),并依此来衡量环境等公共物品的价值。

偿意愿 ...物品或服务改善的最大支付意愿(willingness to pay,WTP),或者忍受环境物品或服务恶化的最小受偿意愿(willingness to accept,WTA),并依此来衡量环境等公共物品的价值。

willingness to accept的短语

1、 willingness to accept compensation 接受补偿意愿 ; 偿意愿 ; 量损失的接受赔偿意愿 ; 赔偿意愿

2、 Marginal Willingness to Accept 边际愿

willingness to accept的例句

I love our people and their talent and our willingness to accept and embrace their range of capabilities, including their quirks.


Private car travelers' willingness to accept and choose information distributed by Advanced traveler information Systems (ATIS) is influenced by different factors.

私家车出行者对AT IS信息的选择意愿受到多种因素的影响。

Opposition Republicans have indicated a willingness to accept some provisions of the jobs bill.


Target objects should always highlight, however, when a connection is dragged over them, in order to indicate willingness to accept the connection.


It also takes a willingness to accept a lot of strange looks when you tell people you're trying to start a business blogging.


Sometimes an experiment kills off a pet theory, so you need a willingness to accept the evidence even if you don't like it.
