win approval的意思

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win approval的网络释义

获得通过 ... 通过租契获得的财产 Property held by lease 获得通过 get through ; win approval ; Is passed ; gain passage 通过用户名获得用户 ID ...

赢得赞同 ... voice one's approval(用言语)表示同意 win approval赢得赞同 complete approval完全同意 ...

win approval的短语

1、 win congressional approval 获得国会批准

2、 win the approval of 得到……赞同

3、 win n public approval 获得公众赞许

win approval的例句

The dollar coin legislation is expected to win approval in both the House and Senate.


But observers say the chances that Ukraine and Georgia, which has also put in a bid, will win approval in Bucharest are slim.


Lacking a majority in Congress, Ms Chinchilla faces a struggle to win approval for extra taxes to pay for her modest security build-up.


American film studios are desperate to win approval for releases in China because its film market is rocketing.


Public outrage has also been stoked by insurers' attempts to win regulators' approval for huge rate increases for certain types of customers.


He says deficits hurt the economy because they cause interest rates to rise and slow growth.The budget has to win congressional approval before it can become law, a process that could take months.
