with the best的意思

美 / wið ðə best / 英 / wɪð ði bɛst /


with the best的短语

1、 run with the best 运行最好的,运行在最佳,使用最佳运行

2、 with the best of intentions 好心好意,好心地,一片好心

3、 with the best intentions 本意良好,出自,出于善意,真心诚意

4、 with the best of intention 出于一片好心,好心好意

5、 Cooperating with the best 与最好的客户合作

6、 Celebrate with the best 随着最好的庆祝图片

7、 With The Best Price 用最优价格

8、 With The Best Wishes 此致

9、 Rocking With The Best 下一首曲

with the best的例句

Although he's nearly fifty, he can still play tennis with the best.

尽管他已年近五十, 可是他网球还是打得不比别人差.


We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.



He recalled his boots , polished till they shone, as if with the best wild persimmon juice.

他记起那黄而发沉的戒指, 说不分明那将值多少钱,一点不明白那宝贝为什么如此可爱.

汉英文学 - 中国现代小说

It was a party flowing with the best champagne.



She gives dinner parties in style, with the best food and wine.

她举行气派十足的宴会, 备有上等酒菜.


Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece.

