
美 / ˈwɜːʃɪp / 英 / ˈwɜːrʃɪp /

v. 敬奉(神);爱慕,崇拜

n. 敬神,拜神;崇拜,爱慕;<英> 阁下(对地位高的人的尊称)

CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / TOEFL GRE

第三人称单数 worships 现在分词 worshipping或worshiping 过去式 worshipped或worshiped 过去分词 worshipped或worshiped


English Word Worship:Usage and Explanation

The English word “worship” is a verb which refers to the action of showing reverence and devotion to something or someone, especially a deity or a spiritual being. It is often used in religious contexts and it is also sometimes used to describe the admiration which someone has for a person who is looked upon as a role model.

In a religious context, worship usually involves practices such as prayer, singing, and offerings. This can be done in any number of ways, such as in a church service, a private home, or in a special place such as a temple or a shrine. Worship can be seen as an act of appreciation and reverence which is directed toward something or someone much higher than ourselves.

The English word “worship” can also be used to describe the admiration and respect which someone has for someone they look up to. This could be a parent, a teacher, or even a celebrity. It’s usually used to express admiration rather than reverence and devotion. It could be used to describe the admiration of a fan for a celebrity, or the love and admiration of a child for their parents.

To summarize, the English word “worship” is a verb which means to show reverence and devotion. It is commonly used in a religious context, but it can also be used to describe the admiration which someone has for a role model.


1、 nature worship ◎自然崇拜,对自然现象的顶礼膜拜

2、 money worship 拜金主义

3、 ancestor worship 祖先崇拜;祭祖;敬奉祖先

4、 hero worship 英雄崇拜

5、 idol worship 偶像崇拜

6、 freedom of worship 信仰自由


She worships her children.



It is not a big group and their worship attendance has not been stable.



He prefers to worship in his own home.



We worship at St Mary's.



We worship at St Mary's.



Some people consider money worship as a normal social phenomenon.



Thai's female worship dated back to the en of matriarchy.



an act/a place of worship

