Far out East的意思

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Far out East的网络释义

远出于东方 ... Grand street 豪华街道 Far out East 远出于东方 Who cares 谁关心 ...

Far out East的例句

The exercise, code-named "Peace Mission-2009", will be carried out in Russia's Far East and China's Shenyang Military Command.


As far as I'm concerned, at this point, America needs to pull out of the Middle East. Build its own defenses to a level not seen in history.


The industrial production of the Russian Far East in 2001 didn't bottom out, but there appeared a recovery increase in industrial sectors.

工业是俄罗斯远东地区的主导经济部门。 2001年远东工业仍未走出低谷,但有的工业部门生产已出现恢复性增长。

"Don't you realize," one of them said, "that the cost to us (Germany) of bailing out Greece is far less than it cost us to reintegrate East Germany after the wall came down in 1989?"


The book Longitude by Dava Sobel tells the story of John Harrison who figured out how to calculate how far east or west a ship was on the ocean.


Somewhere far out east.
