far-off place的意思

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far-off place的网络释义

远隔地 ... far-off place 远隔地 Far-off Regions 海角天涯 A far-off distance 这遥远的距离 ...

far-off place的短语

1、 A Far Off Place 幻象大猎杀 ; 遥远的地方

2、 In some far off place 在一个遥远的地方 ; 在那些遥远的地方

3、 A Far-Off Place 幻象大猎杀

far-off place的例句

They call it zugunrube. The pull of the soul to a far-off place, following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight an to gather together.


My vision is becoming dreamlike now, and I see my Mother and my brothers and sisters, in a far off green place.


So we've estimated that between 20 to 30 lions are killed when one lion is hanging on a wall somewhere in a far-off place.


If the drag is too far off base, the scrollbar makes the reasonable assumption that the user didn't mean to scroll in the first place.


I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.


The witch cuts off Rapunzel's golden hair. Then she takes Rapunzel to a place far away. She doesn't want her to see the prince again.
