Energy Recovery Systems的意思

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Energy Recovery Systems的网络释义

能量回收系统 ... 中央冷冻系统 Central Chiller Systems 能量回收系统 Energy Recovery Systems 工作现场,工地 jobsite ...

Energy Recovery Systems的短语

1、 Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems 动能回收系统 ; 动能恢复系统 ; 动能接纳零碎

2、 heat and energy recovery systems 热量和能量回收系统

3、 Energy recovery accelerating systems 能量回收加速辅助系统

Energy Recovery Systems的例句

It is the goal of this article to discuss the power consumption of the reverse osmosis process. This article looks at the history of energy recovery, compares the different systems and observes that.


In a high volume cafe, pulling a double every 45 seconds and steaming large volumes of milk is going to tax the heat energy and recovery time for HX boiler systems.


ComenCo's heat Recovery Systems are designed to help you make optimal use of your existing energy expenditures by re-using heat generated during your industrial process.


The optimization results can serve as a useful guide during the optimization design and operation of flue gas energy recovery systems.


Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems, or KERS, are legal from 2009 onwards.


This is a potential problem for the use of heat-recovery systems and could greatly reduce their energy efficiency.
