Main Energy Ratio的意思

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Main Energy Ratio的网络释义

主能量比 ...,提出了一种新的指纹图象分割方法,分别在空域 和频域中定义了两个新特征:对比度(Contrast)和主能量比(Main Energy Ratio),并用RBF神经网络训练分类和进行分割。通过新的分割方

Main Energy Ratio的例句

Hot metal silicon content in blast furnace is a main parameter by which product quality is measured and energy utilization ratio of blast furnace is reflected.


Result indicates that the spectrum gained from using W-O way comprises much fewer side lobes and achieves higher energy ratio of main lobes to the first side lobe.

结果表明,W - O方法得到的信号频谱比传统加窗具有更少的旁瓣干扰和更高的主瓣-第一旁瓣能量比。

The main points are to represent the utilization ratio of energy as a series of functions of the grain size of feed material and the fineness of discharge al well as the nozzle form.


It analyzed the main factors such as the energy price ratio, energy consumption cost, energy selection, technical progress, income level, energy usage habit and environmental protection.
