Information Management Science的意思

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Information Management Science的网络释义

管理学 信息管理学(Information Management Science) 是以充分有效利用信息资源为目的,研究信息管 理的基本规律、普遍原理和技术方法的科学。

信息管理科学 ...ion Management Science 管理学 ; 信息管理学 ; 信息管理学科 ; 信息管理科学 Introduction to Information Management Science 信息管理概论 ..

信息管理学 ...信息管理学 信息管理学(Information Management Science)信息管理学是指运用信息学的相关理论和方法从管理学的角度来研究相关信息、分析和解决相关管理问题的一个学科.正如管理信.

Information Management Science的短语

1、 Introduction to Information Management Science 信息管理概论

2、 the information management science 信息管理学

3、 information management science education 信息管理学教育

Information Management Science的例句

At present, image retrieval has become a hotspot in the research field of computer science, information science, information management, e-commerce etc.


Crop informatics USES mathematical and information science viewpoint, theory and method to study the growth of various crops, information laws in production management.


Based on the research of the soft science research plan item management method, we develop a suitable soft science research plan item management information system.


Ken holds a bachelor's degree in computer and information science and a master's degree in technology management from the University of Maryland.


Abstract: : in recent years, along with our country economy and the rapid development of science and technology, power system file management also faces a severe test of the information age.


International Journal of Information management; Social science Information Studies; Information science; Information management.
