Management of Information Science的意思

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Management of Information Science的网络释义

资讯科学管理 ... 软件工程(Software Engineering) 资讯科学管理(Management of Information Science) 电脑系统与工艺(Computer Systems and Technology) ...

Management of Information Science的例句

Purpose is for integration of product assembly information, optimization on working procedure time of product assembly and realization on science management of product assembly.


A working definition might be "the art, science and technologies related to the management of geographically-referenced information."


This paper introduced the establishment and application of information management system in Guangdong Medical Science Library.


As an integrated enterprise management information system, erp is an perfect combination of computer technology and management science.


Abstract: : in recent years, along with our country economy and the rapid development of science and technology, power system file management also faces a severe test of the information age.


The information law science is one of the important areas of domestic and international law experts, management community, sociology community and information industry.
