Joyful Days的意思

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Joyful Days的网络释义

欢唱的日子 09 欢唱的日子(Joyful Days) 是欢快的,每个音符好象梵高的油画里跳跃的线条,田里一笼笼四散开来的薰衣草和挺拔的向日葵排成整齐的行列一直伸向远方,不远...

播放 ... Fragrance Around Road 芳香盈路 播放 Joyful Days 欢唱的日子 播放 Vango Cafe 凡高咖啡厅 播放 ...

Joyful Days的例句

Certainly I'm not a good time manager. When the joyful days gone, all the huge rock was left on the beach.


These days of, bead Hui ward the road street Zhao You Lian's families of Guangdong are happy joyful: the whole family finally had bride chamber to leaven!


We are both in our 70s and don't want our remaining days just to "happen", but to be joyful and happy.


Several days were the Christmas day, now I wish you and your family member Christmas day am joyful!


It elapsed quickly, and the joyful days of traveling passed soon.


By contrast, Primrose Yellow sparkles with heat and vitality. Inviting us into its instant warmth, this joyful yellow shade takes us to a destination marked by enthusiasm, good cheer and sunny days.
