joyful atmosphere的意思

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joyful atmosphere的网络释义

欢乐气氛 ... Constitution Day(十二月廾五日亦为我国)行宪纪念日 White Christmas银色圣诞 joyful atmosphere欢乐气氛 ...

喜洋洋 汉音对照 中国音乐学院民族乐队 -《喜洋洋》(Joyful Atmosphere)雨..

欢乐的气氛 acupuncture » 针灸 joyful atmosphere » 欢乐的气氛 It's easy to call someone "my wife" or "my lady",but it's a lifetime promise when you make the remark.

joyful atmosphere的短语

1、 Joyful Atmosphere-Chinese Orchestra 中国民族管弦乐及小品系列

2、 A joyful atmosphere 喜气洋洋

3、 joyful l atmosphere 欢乐气氛

joyful atmosphere的例句

In the joyful atmosphere, we learned how to introduce ourselves.


The excerpted part here is about a story that the lucky lady is playing with a littly boy. The scene is full of a joyful and easy-going atmosphere.


It will ensure that your journey is completed with ease and in an atmosphere of joyful acceptance.


The mutual unification of television culture's amused and educational function makes the masses mould moral in a casual and joyful atmosphere, getting the baptism of spirit and soul.


Its beautiful appearance and functions not only enhance the joyful taste feelings but also increase an atmosphere of luxury.


On the evening of Dec 31st, 2009, thousands of people go out to join the joyful countdown galas with their friends and family, and enjoy the cheerful atmosphere of greeting a brand new year.
