Judge From Appearance的意思

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Judge From Appearance的网络释义

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Judge From Appearance的短语

1、 Never judge from appearance 不要以貌取人

2、 Judge not from appearance 人不可貌相

Judge From Appearance的例句

It's inappropriate to judge a person from his appearance.


There is another computer somewhere, and you can really get to know them from their heart, the way they're thinking, before you judge them by their appearance, by their looks.

只是在另一个地方有另一台电脑而已。 而且你可以在以貌取人之前从他们的心地、他们的思考方式了解他们。

We should not judge anything from its appearance.


From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance.


Then, does it mean that you can do nothing about a person who you cannot judge from appearance?


Daniel: The one with ponytail. From her appearance, I can judge that she comes from China.
