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a judge from的例句

Montgomery County Commonwealth's Attorney Brad Finch says the judge has ruled that Zhu will receive the mental evaluation from a doctor who speaks Mandarin Chinese.

蒙哥马利郡的联邦律师Brad Finch表示法官已要求一位操汉语普通话的医生对朱海洋进行心理评估。

To avoid too many appeals, a trial judge often seeks informal advice from a judge in a higher court.


But before Mr Chirac entered the dock, the judge accepted a legal objection from one of his co-defendants and suspended the case for up to three months.


Tucci presents a document to Judge Kessler, from the Secret Service, stating that there have never been agents with those names enlisted in the Secret Service.


It is all too easy to judge someone who says the wrong thing or ACTS a little differently from what we expect.


If the judge refuses, the Justice Department said it would seek a ruling blocking the judge's decision from the 9th us Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
