land of promise的意思

美 / / 英 / /

上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方;乐土;福地;希望之乡(等于 Promised Land)

land of promise的网络释义

天国 ... the promise land 希望之乡 Land of Promise 福地 ; 天国 ; 应许之地 the Land of Promise 应许之地 ...

应许之地 应许之地 ( Land of promise ):指"迦南地","上帝许诺之处"。

誓地 奥斯卡最佳外语片奖 ... Dersu u Uzala德苏乌札拉(苏联,日本) Land of Promise 誓地(波兰) Sandakan n No.8 望乡(日本) ...

land of promise的短语

1、 the Land of Promise 应许之地

2、 spiritual land of promise 精神家园

3、 promise of land 土地的应许

land of promise的例句

That's what Israel heard: the land of promise would not be like Egypt. There you irrigated the land to produce your daily bread.


Promise them to own a mass of land one sqr kilometer. And help them to build a 87 sqr meter apartment each family. But they need to return the else in 20 years for 2580 RMB each month.


My parents, my wife, our children – we all personally represent America and America's promise as a land of freedom, equality, and opportunity.


From the borders of the Land of Promise they must go back almost to where they came from.


For Westlands farmers, the promise of the solar project is not clean electricity, but the additional water allocations they will get if some land is no longer used for farming.


In a moment of anger, Moses sinned, and for this sin he was kept from entering the land of promise.
