Making a scene的意思

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Making a scene的网络释义

当众出丑 ... Look forward to 期待着 Making a scene 当众出丑 Monkey business 不正经 ...

制作一个镜头的动画 ... 动画师的工作是什么 THE WORKING LIFE OF AN ANIMATOR 制作一个镜头的动画 MAKING A SCENE 表演 ACTING ...

造戏现场 ... 李英爱的晚餐 이영애의 만찬 造戏现场 Making a Scene 科学怪妓 Frankenhooker ...

Making a scene的短语

1、 Making a Yogurt Scene 制作一个酸奶场景

Making a scene的例句

Making an epic science-fiction environment scene for a concept art piece, a 3d matte painting or modeling a 3d city for that VFX shot? Give yourself a boost!


This means, we are using both a system for lighting distribution and one for shadow calculation at once, making this probably the most accurate shadows we can get in this scene.


The largest preserved Renaissance area in Europe, home to the Lumiere brothers, a centre for fashion designers who follow a long tradition of silk-making, Roman ruins and a dynamic arts scene.


Pretty soon the guys were all standing around me, making a scene, and saying, "Well, say it, Feynman! ""


A detective stumbles upon a super-unsettling scene — a victim's body seems to have been fused together with animal parts, making him part human, part woodland creature.


The best part about the whole experience was the actual filming of the E-3 scene in the movie and getting to see the behind-the-set dynamics of making a movie.

整个经历中最棒的部分就是电影中对e - 3空中预警机的实景拍摄以及在现场实景观察电影的制作过程。