of such a scene的意思

美 / / 英 / /


of such a scene的网络释义

风景 ... evil; not guilty 天真的; 无罪的 of such a scene 风景 ;风景画 God 上帝, 主 ...

风景画 ... evil; not guilty 天真的; 无罪的 of such a scene 风景 ;风景画 God 上帝, 主 ...

of such a scene的例句

Such a maverick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.


Photographic memory refers to the process of capturing images, such as a scene or the appearance of an item, as materials of memory.


Every time I hear this song bold passionate "oblique, long march", my eyes will see such a scene: LuDing bridge, the figure of dadu river Banks NaYingYong fearless;


The upshot of this is that a new phrase has entered the criminological lexicon: the “CSI effect” after shows such as “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”.


And now being to enter into a melancholy relation of a scene of silent life, such perhaps as was never heard of in the world before.


In the opening scene of the film Ms Paltrow is seen contracting a deadly virus after shaking someone by the hand and Dr Wolfe argues that such a pandemic is entirely possible.
