Mobile phone and Messages的意思

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Mobile phone and Messages的网络释义

手机与短信 ... Coffee Talk喝杯咖啡,聊聊天 Mobile phone and Messages 手机与短信 Past Fashion: Letter and Cards逝去的时尚:书信与贺卡 ...

Mobile phone and Messages的例句

Mobile phone Numbers will be restricted to sending a maximum of 200 text messages per hour, and 1000 messages per day.


The mobile phone is a very personal device and a great opportunity to get personalised marketing messages across -if done properly.


My friend and I communicate frequently feelings, thoughts and messages each other through mobile phone.


I turn on my mobile phone and see 2 missed calls, 3 text messages.


This shows that the mobile phone messages as a new and influential interpersonal communication for human beings, which has a profound impact on people's work, study and life.


British mobile phone users send an average of 3.6 text messages and make 2.8 phone calls a day.
