Mobile phone center的意思

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Mobile phone center的网络释义

移动电话中心 ... Local calls本地电话 Mobile phone center移动电话中心 National calls国内长途电话 ...

移动电话中央 ... Local calls 当地电话 Mobile phone center 移动电话中央 National calls 国家内长途电话 ...

移动 ... Local calls 本地 电话 Mobile phone center 移动 电话中心 National calls 国内长途 电话 ...

本地电话 ... 电话用户线 telephone loop 本地电话 local calls; mobile phone center 本地电话局 le local exchange ...

Mobile phone center的短语

1、 Mobile e phone center 移动电话中心

Mobile phone center的例句

The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help.


The first case of the thesis is due to the user mobile phone SMS Center address is set incorrectly, is the user cause;


Our commercial center may arrange for you to buy or rent a mobile phone.


It also inspired a special clothing line and mobile phone applications, the center said.


Resource Center Mobile cell phone download on various resources.


Qawasmeh mobile phone center is a foreign buyer from Palestine, need to purchase products of Telecommunications etc. categories.
