Music Composer的意思

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Music Composer的网络释义

作曲家 ...手头有什么素材,除了你的个人风格之外,还有你的主要合作伙伴——导演、声音剪辑师(sound editor)、作曲家(music composer)的风格。记住,所有的这些技巧,还有技巧使用的步骤顺序,都不是绝对的。

作曲人 ... 室内装饰师 Interior Designer 作曲人 Music Composer 材料估量师 Quantity Surveyor ...

音乐 ... 化妆 make-up 音乐 music composer 录音 sound design ...

Music Composer的短语

1、 Uloops Music Composer 音乐制作人

2、 Theatrical Music Composer 戏剧音乐作曲

3、 Easy Music Composer free 音乐作曲软件

Music Composer的例句

Chen Xiaoyong is a German music composer, originated from China. Lots of thinking of electronic music, especially the space thought of electronic music, can be seen in his works.


Golijov believes working with Spano makes him a better composer. "I feel that Robert is not just the conductor for my music, but he's a great editor."


Sound off below and let us know whether you buy into this future of music and art, or whether this AI composer just doesn't wash.


I was Westwood Studios’ full time music composer, and did the score for Red Alert, as well as all the Command &Conquer games up through Renegade.

我是西木公司的全职作曲家 同时也担当红色警戒系列 命令与征服系列一直到叛节者音乐部分的工作.

Mozart was a famous composer contemporary with Beethoven, both of whom made great achievements in the field of music.


Factual writing provides background information on an author, composer or artist, or on a type of music, literature or art.
