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作品集 'Glenn Gould -《作品集》(The Composer)Sony[APE由e度分享提供...

作曲才华 Oscar Peterson (奥斯卡彼德生)- 作曲才华 ( The Composer ),点播排行,歌曲资讯,好歌推荐,历年专辑,MV,影音..

作曲家 ...斯塑造了无数个经典人物形象,但这位奥斯卡影帝并不满足于在大银幕上取得的成就,他的首张古典音乐专辑《作曲家》(The Composer)下周即将上市。

唱片名 ... 表演者: Glenn Gould 唱片名: The Composer 出版者: Sony Classical ...

The Composer的短语

1、 The Composer Pianists 钢琴家中的作曲家

2、 name of the composer 作曲家

3、 Glenn Gould - The Composer 唱片名

The Composer的例句

By his own admission, the composer Richard Wagner was the only man he truly loved.


The composer says he watched a dozen or so audition tapes and insists that Bonham Carter's performance was the best.


Figure 4 represents rich text from a requirement in the composer tool.


"We are trying to stay true to the composer and the sound they had in mind," says Ronnie Bauch, a violinist.


Classical music, though, gives the composer the tools to extend or elide time in the service of beauty and irony.


For many years he was a close friend of Richard Wagner, the composer.
