Non-remunerated blood donation的意思

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Non-remunerated blood donation的网络释义

无偿献血 ... 无潮河川:tideless river 无偿献血:Non-remunerated blood donation 无差异族:indifference map ...

Non-remunerated blood donation的短语

1、 Voluntary non-remunerated blood donation 志愿无偿献血

Non-remunerated blood donation的例句

"Blood donation Law" specifies that all the blood for clinical use must come from non-remunerated blood donation.


Non-remunerated blood donation, both for the people of today, for tomorrow we have.


Medical staff analysis, on the one hand, increasing the volume of blood for clinical use, on the other hand, it is the people's awareness of non-remunerated blood donation enough.


Non-remunerated blood donation volunteers were introducing blood donation knowledge to citizens.


My dear friends, faced with such fact, what do you think of non-remunerated blood donation?


According to statistics, in the morning, there are 178 people who participated in caring non-remunerated blood donation and blood stem cell donations.
