undervalued and poorly remunerated的意思

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undervalued and poorly remunerated的网络释义

以及有充分结构的财政援助 ...undervalued and poorly remunerated; the establishment of adjustment programmes that are compatible with the abatement of its conflicts and an accelerated development of its human resources; technological transfers adapted to its specific needs; and adequately structured financial assistance 在这方面,在国际生活的所有方面都处于边缘地位的非洲大陆需要有一项多面性的战略,包括大幅度减少其外债;消除惩罚其产品的保护主义壁垒,这些产品的价格本来就太低并且报酬太少;建立同减轻该大陆冲突相称的调整方案并加快其人力资源的开发;适合其特定需要的技术转让;以及有充分结构的财政援助。 Partnership agreements are also being undervalued to the extent that we lose sight of some important initiatives that t...

消除惩罚其产品的保护主义壁垒 ...undervalued and poorly remunerated; the establishment of adjustment programmes that are compatible with the abatement of its conflicts and an accelerated development of its human resources; technological transfers adapted to its specific needs; and adequately structured financial assistance 在这方面,在国际生活的所有方面都处于边缘地位的非洲大陆需要有一项多面 性 的战略,包括大幅度减少其外债;消除惩罚其产品的保护主义壁垒,这些产品的价格本来就太低并且报酬太少;建立同减轻该大陆冲突相称的调整方案并加快其人力资源的开发;适合其特定需要的技术转让;以...