Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium的意思

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Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium的网络释义

精炼贝叶斯均衡 精炼贝叶斯均衡(perfect Bayesian equilibrium):在一个非完全信 息的动态博弈中,满足要求1 – 4 的战略与推断构成的均衡。 例 要求4 中“不可能”的情形。

完美贝叶斯均衡 ...叶斯均衡(注:当一个策略组合及相应的判断(信念)满足下面四个要求时就是一个完美贝叶斯均衡(Perfect Bayesian equilibrium):1.在各个信息集,轮到选择的博弈方必须具有一个关于博弈到达该信息集中每个节点可能性的“判断”;2.

均衡 此赛局的完美贝氏均衡(Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium,PBE)可定义如下: 定义:一个完美贝氏均衡(PBE)是一组策略( 2 1 ,  )与信念 ,满足以下...

完美贝氏均衡 此赛局的完美贝氏均衡(Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium,PBE)可定义如下: 定义:一个完美贝氏均衡(PBE)是一组策略( 2 1 ,  )与信念 ,满足以下...

Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium的短语

1、 Weak Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium 弱完美贝叶斯均衡

2、 perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium 精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡 ; 完美贝叶斯纳什均衡

Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium的例句

Then the perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the game model in the form of a proposition is given, and the proposition is proved in detail by backward induction.


The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium and the existing of moral haz.


The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium and the existing of moral hazard elevates the price of insurance policy.


The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium, whereas telling the truth is not always a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium of the policyholder.
