Personal Use Items的意思

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Personal Use Items的网络释义

个人用品 ... common use items 共用项目 Personal Use Items 个人用品 Single Use Items Store Room 一次性物品仓库 ...

Personal Use Items的短语

1、 Daily Use Items &Personal care 日用品及个人护理

Personal Use Items的例句

The following items are approved for use in residential rooms: electric blankets, hair dryers, personal computers, radios, televisions and DVD players


Article 46 inward and outward luggage carried by individuals and inward and outward postal items shall be limited to reasonable quantities for personal use and shall be subject to Customs control.


In a similar fashion to the above two personal victories, I use the same steps to complete many of the to-do items I have spent many month cluttering my mind with.


Offer to the guests if they require you to put away their items in closet, drawer's etc. Always use care when handling guests clothing and other personal items.


I see objects as' affiliates'; and by use of badges, stickers, design items and exaggerating personal gesture obtuse narratives are 'described'.


They receive earnings according to the work done and can use their earnings account to buy approved personal items twice a month.
