Personal Value System的意思

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Personal Value System的网络释义

人价值系统 ...个人价值系统 个人价值系统(Personal Value System) 目录 1 什么是个人价值系统 2 个人价值系统的内容 3 个人价值系统对决策的影响作用 4 个人价值系统的优化 什么是个人价值系统 ...

Personal Value System的例句

Teacher culture, as the deep spiritual factor controlling teachers' behavior, is a compound entirety composed of teachers' special knowledge system, personal belief, way of thinking and value system.


It requires impersonality analysis which is much low in cost or more high on relative value about credit system and lawsuit system in personal credit guarantee mechanism.


This article discusses on the prescription system, mainly analyze the value conflict, the double value concern of it, and point out some personal viewpoint of the prescription system.


System emphasizes independence, personal integrity, as well as to the absolute value of the family;


You will be able to bring your visionary ideals to a personal level and attract tangible rewards that benefit your value system.


Why the bail system has been received by international society thanks to its inherent value of litigation. The ideal of protecting personal rights that bail system contains provides an efficient…
