Publisher Weekly的意思

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Publisher Weekly的网络释义

出版人周刊 ——《出版人周刊》(Publisher Weekly) 这个诡异、阴暗、奇幻的故事不看结局就绝对无法安睡。

出版商周刊 ——出版商周刊(Publisher Weekly) 一个节奏紧张、扣人心弦的故事。

出版人周报 媒体推荐 热评如潮: 来自《出版人周报》(Publisher Weekly): 畅销书《爱的五种语言》的作者查普曼与心理学家托马斯倾力合作剖析了另一令人头疼的主题――道歉。

Publisher Weekly的短语

1、 Weekly Publisher 出版人周刊

Publisher Weekly的例句

“I think most people just want to get this prison open, ” explains Jon Whitney, publisher of the local weekly and the great-great-grandson of one of Thomson’s first settlers.

当地日报出版商和该镇最初移民之一的重重重孙Jon Whitney解释说:“我认为多数人希望这座监狱投入使用”。

Weekly magazine which published by book publisher was a new form of mass media after the emerge of TV, it was also a efforts made by the publishing industry to run publishing business as mass media .


The trial involved, publisher of the New York Weekly Journal.
