Metadata Publisher的意思

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Metadata Publisher的网络释义

元数据发布 ... 要素轮廓掩膜(Feature Outline Masks) 元数据发布(Metadata Publisher) 如何进行环境设置(Environment Se~ings) ...

元数据公布 ... 元数据导入器(Metadata Importer) 元数据公布(Metadata Publisher) 转为CAD(To CAD) ...

中继资料发行者 ... 中继资料发布 metadata publishing 中继资料发行者 metadata publisher 中继资料范围 metadata scope ...

元数据发布程序 ... 由键集驱动的游标 keyset-driven cursor 元数据发布程序 metadata publisher 元数据服务提供程序 metadata service provider ...

Metadata Publisher的例句

Documents typically contain metadata such as the author, publisher, and publication date.


The machine USES the metadata from the digital book listing in order to determine title, author, publisher, and other data specific to the book.
