the publisher的意思

美 / / 英 / /

the publisher的网络释义

出版商 网络出版 Book ; online publishing ; webpublishing ; Network Publishing 出版商 the publisher ; Publishers ; editor ; Allen and Unwin 出版说明 Publisher''s Note ; release note ; credit legend ..

出版社 *tell a good story 讲故事 *the publisher 出版社 *enjoy reading (enjoy doing sth) 喜欢阅读(喜欢做。。

the publisher的短语

1、 Honorable Mention to the Publisher 荣誉奖

2、 Message from the Publisher 发行人序言

3、 The Publisher site web 布者网站

the publisher的例句

About 30% of books in America are returned to the publisher.


The publisher complied, but sent all its unexpurgated copies abroad.


The publisher went into hiding.


He is also the publisher of the Life Skills Magazine.

他还是《生活技巧杂志》(The Life Skill Magazine)的出版者。

With the content of papers secured for free, the publisher needs only find a market for its journal.


The post also included contact information with the assistant to the publisher.
