Research-Based Learning的意思

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Research-Based Learning的网络释义

研究性学习 关于“研究性学习”研究的评述-教学论文-华夏学习网 关键词 :研究性学习;课程;教学方式;学科教学 [gap=8891]Keywords: Research-based Learning; Curriculum; teaching pattern; subject pedagogy

研究性学习方式 研究性学习方式在中学英语教学中的应用_英语教学论文 关键词:研究性学习方式;目标;特点;英语教学 [gap=3793]Key words: research-based learning; objective; characteristics; English teaching

研究型学习 RICH中的每个字母分别代表的是R:Research-based learning(研究型学习),I:Integrated curriculum(融合型课程),C:Cooperative learning (合作型学习),H:Humanistic outcomes(人文素质全面提...

基于研究的学习 ...调查的学习(inquiry-based learning)、基于问题的学习(problem-based learning)、基于研究的学习(research-based learning)和基于资源的学习(resource-based learning)等,它们不仅需要信息素养的支持,而是本身就是一种信息素养的训练方式。

Research-Based Learning的短语

1、 research-based learning curriculum 研究性学习

2、 research-based learning of college students 大学通识课

3、 the research-based learning 研究性学习

Research-Based Learning的例句

The research aims at describing and proving that inquiry-based learning plays an important role in senior high school, especially for learners' lifelong learning.


Margin-based algorithms which use the large margin principle for feature selection have already played a crucial role in current machine learning research.


In recent years, research-based learning has become a focus in the circle of education technology, even the whole circle of education.


Transductive inference based on support vector machine is a relatively new research region in statistical learning theory.


If you would like a more in-depth, research-based discussion of this topic, I recommend Using Testing to Improve Learning and Memory.


Based on soccer robot simulation as its research platform, this paper studies the learning of high level strategy of multi-agent adversarial system.
