research-based curriculum的意思

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research-based curriculum的网络释义

研究型课程 ...特色的研究型课程 关键词: 研究型课程;上海特色;宏观层面建设;微观层面建设 [gap=688]Key words: research-based curriculum; Shanghai characteristics; macro-construction; micro-construction ..

研究性课程 研究性课程资源开发与实施初探 关键词:研究性课程; 资源开发; 常态实施 [gap=288]Key words: Research-based curriculum; resources development; normal implementation of the

research-based curriculum的短语

1、 research-based learning curriculum 研究性学习

2、 research-based type curriculum 研究性学习课程

3、 research-learning based curriculum 研究型课程

research-based curriculum的例句

The paper is a academic research that links up the practice of the development of the School-based curriculum in the Mongolia nationality school.


The push of educational scientific research task is catalyst for School-based curriculum development.


As a new area of study physical education, sports and school-based curriculum development research, has drawn attention to a number of sports scholars.


So it is important to study school-based teaching research system under the new curriculum background.


Based on curriculum theory, psychology and pedagogy, it aims to research the curriculum provisions of music education.


This essay is concerned about theory exploration of Chinese national school-based curriculum and do primary practice research.
