The Access Matrix的意思

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The Access Matrix的网络释义

存取控制矩阵 ... Test Access Matrix 测试接入短阵 The Access Matrix 存取控制矩阵 Use of Access Matrix 存取矩阵的使用 ...

The Access Matrix的短语

1、 access of the matrix 矩阵的存取

The Access Matrix的例句

This paper presents an access method for the large scale band matrix in the national economic planning and the national energy planning.


In this paper, a new scheme is proposed corresponding to solve a huge matrix equation under the multiple access interference (MAI) environments.


The matrix is not limited to only 40 clips: you can scroll and shift, enabling you to access, control, and perform with an unlimited number of cells.


Since all the touch-matrix unit was arranged, so no matter where the user access to a part of the finger, the system will be able to produce action on the finger corresponding response.


The simple quantifiable structure of the model should enable access to an experimentally determined payoff matrix.


Managing access using an access matrix like the one above has advantages and disadvantages.
